You're browsing through online dating profiles, and finally you come across one that you like, but you're not certain if to message the member or not. Well, the very first thing you should do is read through our safety rules for online dating, and through our post on how to spot a fake profile. Once you've done that, read Dating for Disabled's tips on how to pick the perfect match for yourself:
Dating4Disabled's advanced matchmaking algorithm will suggest suitable matches for you, but you still need to take an active part in the process, and this is how:
1. The first thing you want to do is check out their relationship status (why waist time on someone that is already taken?).
2. Then, scroll down to the "looking for" section of their dating-profile. If they are only looking for friendship, whilst you want a relationship they aren't for you. Also, if they state clearly that they are only interested in casual encounters, or someone to chat to, just move on. Even if they look perfect, they just aren't on dating for disabled looking to find love, and you are!
3. Read through their info carefully! Never message someone who you haven't read through all of their profile properly.
4. Look for deal-breakers. If they have kids and you don't can't handle children, maybe they aren't the match for you. But if they are looking for someone to start a family with, and you're also looking for that then great!
5. Do they live in another country, or at the other end of yours? Is that too far away for you? Then maybe don't start up something that could potentially lead to a long-distance relationship, if that's not what you're looking for, or open to.
6. Does this look like someone you would like to sit down for coffee with? Do you two have any common interests or goals? These are important questions to ask yourself.
7. What personality traits did they check off on their dating for disabled member profile?
8. Is their language positive and upbeat, do they seem like a nice person from the way they described themselves? Are they a collage grad, what kind of job do they have? If they have listed all of these things, think if they are important criteria you want in a potential match.
Never message anyone who hasn't taken the time to fill in their profile properly. Yes, even if they look really good in the one picture they uploaded.
You only have some very general information to go on; but none the less, this information is a great starting point to see if you like this person enough to send them a message and get to know them a little bit better.
I suggest you watch this video about how to use online dating, because it is packed with some really great advice: "Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating":
Dating for disabled is a disabled matchmaking service, if you are using the site please remember that most of our members are disabled or have some sort of medical condition, and if you feel that someone is taking advantage of that, or behaving inappropriately please report them to the site's admin:
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